The Association enjoyed a splendid visit to the Scottish Gunners in their barracks at Tidworth on 27 June 2014. We were given an extremely interesting series of presentations by the men and women of the regiment explaining how they operate. For many of us this included a chance to climb inside one of the guns! A delicious lunch in the Officers’ Mess was rounded off by a performance of pipes and drums. A useful discussion among Association members then followed before we headed home from an extremely valuable day in which our bonds with the Regiment were strengthened.
Monthly Archives: June 2014
Hume Castle
Members of the Association will be interested to know that developments are afoot at Hume Castle. It is possible we may be able to obtain a building to house a Visitor Centre. Plans are also in train to improve visitor information at the site. We are also examining the possibility of an archaeological investigation on the site.
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Great News for our Clan Chief

The Earl of Home, our Clan Chief, has been honoured by Her Majesty the Queen with the award of the Knighthood of the Thistle, Scotland’s highest Order of Chivalry. The Earl will be formally installed at a service in the Chapel of the Order in St. Giles Cathedral late in June.
He is the fourth successive generation of his family to receive this honour, as his father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all so honoured in earlier years.