The plans for the 2018 Clan Gathering continue to make progress. There is very exciting news about the Castle. The Hume Castle Preservation Trust, our sister organisation, has received indications of probable funding sufficient to start archaeological explorations at Hume on 10th August, the very day that the Clan propose to visit to raise our banner at our ancestors’ original home! This should make the Clan’s visit all the more exciting. As part of the arrangements for that visit, a hogroast lunch has been organised (cost £7 or £8 per head approx.) and historical reenactments will, it is hoped, be organised as well as some pipers.
Plans are also in train to hold a display of Scottish Country and Highland Dancing as part of the entertainment on the Saturday. Is there anything more spectacular and beautiful than Scottish dancing? Come and decide for yourselves…………

All welcome, whether Clan members, families with links to the Clan or just interested friends. For booking forms see link above at top of page – Gathering 2018